ASP.NET Web Services Vs WCF

.NET Framework 3.0 introduces new and exciting feature i.e. Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), where as earlier versions of the framework were containg ASP.NET Web Services only.

In this Post I would be mainly comparing the WCF with ASP.NET Web Service

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) ASP.NET Web Service
WCF supports multiple bindings HTTP, WSHTTP, TCP, MSMQ. ASP.NET Web Services supports only HTTP binding.
WCF supports Atomic Transactions*. ASP.NET Web Services does not support Atomic Transactions*.
By default WCF uses SOAP for sending and receiving the messages. But WCF can support any kind of message format not only SOAP. ASP.NET Web Services can send and receive messages via the SOAP only.
The System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContract and System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMember attributes of the WCF’s System.Runtime.Serialization assembly can be added for .NET types to indicate that instances of the type are to be serialized into XML, and which particular fields or properties of the type are to be serialized. ASP.NET Web Services uses XmlSerializer to translate the XML data (Message Send or received) into .NET objects.

* Atomic Transactions
Following example describes that what does it mean by Atomic Transactions
Consider that bank A and bank B want to interact with someone’s account at the same time. Both banks want to withdraw from the account and the account has $10.00 in it. If bank A takes $7.00 and at the same time bank B tries to get $5.00, what will happen? When they start the transaction each bank believes there is $10.00 available in the account. When one of them finishes the other one will find there is not enough money to finish the transaction.
This scenario is common for computer systems and you can see it many times in memory management, IO operations and database interactions.
Atomic transactions are a way to avoid this problem. They simply lock on a transaction and do not allow any other transaction to interact with the resource. If anything fails during the Atomic transaction, everything will return to the state before the transaction started.

An Introduction To Windows Communication Foundation [WCF]

1.0 What Is WCF?

WCF stands for Windows Communication Foundations.

WCF combines the functionality from ASP.NET Web Services, .NET Remoting, Message Queuing and Enterprise Services.
WCF provides the following features,

  1. Hosting For Component & Services
    WCF Service can be hosted in ASP.NET Runtime, a Windows Service, a COM+ Component or just a Windows form application for peer-to-peer computing.
  2. Declarative Behavior
    Similar to ASP.NET Web Services, attributes can be used for WCF Services e.g. ServiceContract(), OperationContract, DataContract and DataMember
  3. Communication Channels
    Similar to .NET Remoting WCF Services are flexible in changing the channels. WCF offers multiple channels to communicate using HTTP, TCP or an IPC channel.
  4. Security
  5. Extensibility

2.0 Understanding WCF
These days we are creating the software/application which should be capable of communication with other applications as well. Communication with other application simply means either sharing/exchanging the data or the sharing the logic.

Now, this communication may be of two kinds

  1. Over Intranet (Same Network/Platform i.e. .NET Application to .NET Application)
  2. Over Internet (Cross Platform may be ASP.NET to J2EE Application)

Suppose we are writing a .NET Software with n-tier architecture in which Win Form Client needs to communicate with Server in the same network. In such case we may go for .NET Remoting for communication between Client and Server.

Suppose, once our software mentioned above is ready, we need to expose some business logic to another J2EE application. This J2EE application is supposed to use our .NET Application’s logic over WWW. In such case we will have to write new ASP.NET Web Service to expose the logic.

Picture shown below shows the limitation of .NET Remoting
WCF helps us to overcome this kind of Scenario, as WCF Service can be used as a .NET Remoting Component and ASP.NET Web Services as well.
3.0 WCF in Real Time Scenario
Suppose a 7 Star hotel has contacted you for software which will help the organization to managing the hotel’s room booking say “Room Booking System”. Apart from its own features software should be capable of

  1. Communication with already running software within the hotel’s network for help desk purpose. (.NET Windows Form Application)
  2. Communication with already running software on Tourism Office for booking of rooms. (A J2EE Application supposed to access the application over WWW)

Off course we are suppose to implement the application using Microsoft.NET Technology.
Now, as we know that in order to communicate with another .NET application within same network .NET Remoting is the best option. But as per our requirement our application should be capable of interaction with another J2EE application over WWW. So we can’t go for .NET Remoting. ASP.NET web services may work fine but the correct option for now would be WCF Service.

4.0 WCF Communication Model

WCF follows Client-Server Architecture. Communication between Client and Server are established with the help of Endpoints exposed by the WCF Service. Endpoints are nothing but the locations defined by service through which message can be sent and received. Service may have multiple end points.

5.0 Know some terms/ Kew words

  1. ServiceContract
    Service contracts describe the operations supported by a service, the message exchange pattern they use, and the format of each message. The service contract may be an interface or class for generating a service description. A service must implement at least one service contract. Interface or class supposed to be exposed as a service should be decorated with ServiceContractAttribute
  2. OperationContract
    Methods in the interface or class which are supposed to be exposed as a service should be decorated with OperationContractAttribute.
  3. DataContract
    Data contracts describe how a CLR type maps to schema. A data contract may be understood as a class or interface which is mapped to database and are supposed to exploit by WCF Service. This class or interface needs to be decorated with DataContract attribute.
  4. DataMember
    Properties or database table columns in the DataContract class which are supposed to be used by WCF Service should be decorated with DataMember attribute.

6.0 How to Create a Sample WCF Application with VS2008?

6.1 Create/ Manage database

Before proceeding toward the WCF Service Creation, we need to create a database say, “WCF” with one table having following schema

Where, ReservationId is an auto generated Primary Key column.

Note: You may also restore the backup of the database given along with the sample application.

6.2 Create WCF Service

1. Open Visual Studio

2. Go to File à New à Project

3. From the left panel, select Web node of your language VB.NET/C#.NET

4. Now among the templates you will see WCF Service Application

5. Select the same (WCF Service Application)

6. Give Suitable Name (Say Practice.WCF) and Click on OK button.


7. Modify the connection strings section of web.config file of the WCF Service

8. By default Visual Studio would create a Service and an Interface Service1.svc and IService1.cs

9. Add new class RoomReservationRequest.cs (DataContract)

10. Import the name space System.Runtime.Serialization; if not imported

11. Create property with same data type for each columns present into the RoomReservationRequest table. Decorate RoomReservationRequest.cs class with [DataContract] attribute and each property with [DataMember].

namespace Practice.WCF

public class RoomReservationRequest
public int ReservationId
get; set;

public int NoOfRooms
get; set;

public string TypeOfRoom
get; set;

public DateTime FromDate
get; set;

public DateTime ToDate
get; set;

public string ContactPersonName
get; set;

public string ContactPersonMail
get; set;

public string ContactPersonMob
get; set;

public string Comments
get; set;

public string Status
get; set;





12. Add a new class RoomReservationData.cs and write two methods say ReserveRoom and GeReservations

namespace Practice.WCF
internal class RoomReservationData
private string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["con"].ConnectionString;
internal bool ReserveRoom(RoomReservationRequest roomReservationReq)
SqlConnection connection = GetConnection();
string sqlCommand = "INSERT INTO RoomReservationRequest(NoOfRooms, TypeOfRoom, FromDate, ToDate, ContactPersonName, " +
"ContactPersonMail, ContactPersonMob, Comments, Status) VALUES (" +
"@NoOfRooms, @TypeOfRoom, @FromDate, @ToDate, @ContactPersonName, " +
"@ContactPersonMail, @ContactPersonMob, @Comments, @Status)";
SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = sqlCommand;
command.Parameters.Add("@NoOfRooms", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int);
command.Parameters.Add("@TypeOfRoom", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20);
command.Parameters.Add("@FromDate", System.Data.SqlDbType.DateTime );
command.Parameters.Add("@ToDate", System.Data.SqlDbType.DateTime);
command.Parameters.Add("@ContactPersonName", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
command.Parameters.Add("@ContactPersonMail", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
command.Parameters.Add("@ContactPersonMob", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20);
command.Parameters.Add("@Comments", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 200);
command.Parameters.Add("@Status", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 200);
command.Parameters["@NoOfRooms"].Value = roomReservationReq.NoOfRooms;
command.Parameters["@TypeOfRoom"].Value = roomReservationReq.TypeOfRoom;
command.Parameters["@FromDate"].Value = roomReservationReq.FromDate;
command.Parameters["@ToDate"].Value = roomReservationReq.ToDate;
command.Parameters["@ContactPersonName"].Value = roomReservationReq.ContactPersonName;
command.Parameters["@ContactPersonMail"].Value = roomReservationReq.ContactPersonMail;
command.Parameters["@ContactPersonMob"].Value = roomReservationReq.ContactPersonMob;
command.Parameters["@Comments"].Value = roomReservationReq.Comments;
command.Parameters["@Status"].Value = roomReservationReq.Status;

int rowsEffected =0;
rowsEffected = command.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (connection != null)
return rowsEffected > 0;

internal RoomReservationRequest[] GetReservations(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate)
List reservedRooms = new List();
SqlConnection connection = GetConnection();
SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = "SELECT ReservationId, NoOfRooms, TypeOfRoom, FromDate" +
",ToDate, ContactPersonName, ContactPersonMail, ContactPersonMob, Comments, Status "+
"FROM RoomReservationRequest "+
"WHERE FromDate > @FromDate AND ToDate<@ToDate";

command.Parameters.Add("@FromDate", System.Data.SqlDbType.DateTime);
command.Parameters.Add("@ToDate", System.Data.SqlDbType.DateTime);
command.Parameters["@FromDate"].Value = fromDate;
command.Parameters["@ToDate"].Value = toDate;
SqlDataReader reader = null;
reader = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
while (reader.Read())
RoomReservationRequest roomReservationRequest = new RoomReservationRequest();
roomReservationRequest.ReservationId = Convert.ToInt16(reader[0]);
roomReservationRequest.NoOfRooms = Convert.ToInt16(reader[1]);
roomReservationRequest.TypeOfRoom = reader[2].ToString();
roomReservationRequest.FromDate = Convert.ToDateTime(reader[3]);
roomReservationRequest.ToDate = Convert.ToDateTime(reader[4]);
roomReservationRequest.ContactPersonName = reader[5].ToString();
roomReservationRequest.ContactPersonMail = reader[6].ToString();
roomReservationRequest.ContactPersonMob = reader[7].ToString();
roomReservationRequest.Comments = reader[8].ToString();
roomReservationRequest.Status = reader[9].ToString();
if (reader != null)

if (connection != null)
return reservedRooms.ToArray();
private SqlConnection GetConnection()




SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
return connection;

13. Declare two methods to the interface IService1 say ReserveRoom and GetReservations

namespace Practice.WCF
public interface IService1
bool ReserveRoom(RoomReservationRequest reservationRequest);

RoomReservationRequest[] GetReservations(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate);

14. Implement the Interface ISErvice1 in Service1.svc.cs class. Create instance of class RoomReservationData which we implemented in Step-12 and use the same into the implemented methods.

namespace Practice.WCF
public class Service1 : IService1
#region IService1 Members
private RoomReservationData roomReservationData = new RoomReservationData();

public bool ReserveRoom(RoomReservationRequest reservationRequest)
return roomReservationData.ReserveRoom(reservationRequest);



public RoomReservationRequest[] GetReservations(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate)
return roomReservationData.GetReservations(fromDate, toDate);

15. Now we are done with the implementation of WCF Service. Set the Service1 as Startup page. Run your WCF Application. Should get the following screen.

16. Publish the WCF Service.

  1. To publish the service Right Click on Practice.WCF.csproj and select the Publish option
  2. Enter the location where you need to publish/ host the service.
  3. Click on Publish button to publish the site.

17. You may check the published WCF Service by typing the URL into browser
e.g. http://localhost/wcf/Service1.svc , a page same as Step-14 will appear.

7.0 How to Consume the WCF Service?

7.1 Generate the Class and Config File using svcutil.exe

You might have noticed the message displayed while browsing the service

Now, we need to generate the classes which our Client Application would use to consume the service.

We may generate the classes/configuration with the help of tool svcutil.exe. Follow the steps to generate the Class/Config file

  1. Open the command prompt and Go to the location where svcutil.exe is placed. You may find the same at following place “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin”
  2. Write the following command and hit the “enter key” to generate the Class/Config files
  3. This would generate the Service1.cs and output.config files at the same location where svcutil.exe is placed i.e. “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin”
  4. The class generated and the config file we need to include into our client application for consuming the service.

7.2 Create Client to Consume Service

1. Open Visual Studio

2. Go to Fileà New à Project

3. Select Windows Form Application

4. Create a Form similar to below
5. Include the class generated by Step iii of Section 7.1

6. Right Click on project and select the option “Add Service Reference”
7. Enter the URL/ Address where service is hosted and hit on “Go” button to find the service. You may see the Services Methods/Logic exposed by WCF Service

8. Click “OK” to add the service.
9. Double Click Room Reservation Enquiry button to write the logic. Make sure that you have imported the namespace of the generated class added to the project.

private void btnEnquiry_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Service1Client client = new Service1Client();
RoomReservationRequest[] reservationEnquiry = null;
reservationEnquiry = client.GetReservations(dateFromDate.Value, dateToDate.Value);

if (reservationEnquiry.Length > 0)
gvReservationData.DataSource = reservationEnquiry;
gvReservationData.Visible = true;
gvReservationData.Visible = false;
lblMessage.Text = "Sorry data not available.";

10. When we had added the reference of the Service to the client project one configuration file also would have been added to the application i.e. App.Config. Replace the node of this file by the node of the output.config file generated into “Step- iii” of “Section 7.1”

8.0 How to Use the Source?

Unzip the file, you may find the following files



Restore/ Create Database

Unzip the file and restore the WCF.bak file to SQL Server Database or you may create the database as suggested in Step 6.1.

Now, Unzip the file, you may find
1. WCFService
2. WCFClient
Publish/Host Client
i. Open the directory WCFService.
ii. Double click Practice.WCF.sln file to open the solution.
iii. Modify the web.config file of Service as suggested in Step-7 of Section-6.2.
iv. Publish the service as suggested in Step-16 of Section-6.2.
Use WCF Client to consume the services
i. Open WCFClient directory.
ii. Double click HelpDeskService.sln file to open the solution.
iii. Run the solution.
iv. Select the dates and hit on Enquiry button.
Note: You may need to modify App.Config file, if you have not published the WCF Service to local machine.

LINQ For Beginners

1.0 What is LINQ?

LINQ stands for Language INtegrated Query. Means query language integrated with Microsoft .NET supporting languages i.e. C#.NET, VB.NET, J#.NET etc. Need not to write\ use explicit Data Access Layer.

Writing Data Access Layer require much proficiency as a Data Access Layer should be capable of at least

  1. Efficient Extraction (Select) \ Add\ Update\ Delete of data.
  2. Support to multiple database, ORACLE\ SQL Server\ MySQL etc.
  3. Transaction Management.
  4. Logging\ Tracing
  5. And many more.

LINQ enables you to use all the above features in very simple and efficient way with very less codes.

2.0 Why LINQ? \ What are benefits of LINQ?

A simple architecture of any software is like

LINQ Vs Without LINQ
LINQ Vs Without LINQ

3.0 What is LINQ entity class?

A .NET class(s) which maps you to\ from database. This class provides you flexibility to access database in very efficient way.

Usually LINQ entity class contains that many number of partial classes how many tables are present into the database. Each partial class contains properties same as columns present into the database table. Instance of the entity class acts as a single row.

4.0 How to generate LINQ Entity class?

Using Visual Studio IDE:

If you are using visual studio IDE then its very simple to create LINQ entity classes. Follow the steps below to create LINQ entity classes in your .NET Winform project

  1. Go to Start –> Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
  2. Once VS 2008 IDE is launched. Go to File –> New –> Project
  3. A “New Project” dialog would open. Select Windows Form Application templates from the templates listed right side and click ‘OK’. (Make sure you have selected right language from left panel and .NET Framework 3.5 is selected on top right)
  4. This action will create a new windows form project with name “Windows Form Application1” having default form Form1.
  5. Now in order to generate LINQ entity class Right click on project i.e. WindowsFormApplication1 node available on the right side tree.
  6. Select Add–> New Item
  7. A new dialog “Add New Item” would be opened. Select “LINQ to SQL Classes” from the various templates listed on right side and Click on Add button.
  8. Above action will bring Object Relational Designer for you. Click on Server Explorer Link available. This will bring a Server Explorer on left side. Right Click on “Data Connection” and select “Add Connection..”
  9. Now you will see a new dialog “Add Connection”. Provide your database information i.e. Server/ Username/ Password/ Database Name ad hit OK button.
  10. Above action will bring your desired database connection as a child node into “Data Connection” tree available on left.
  11. Select all the tables available and drag them to the middle area.
  12. You might get a dialog regarding saving sensitive information. You may choose ‘No’.

  13.  Now you will see the database diagram on the center panel. Save the .dbml file and build if required.
  14. Now, you are done with your entity class creation.

Without Using Visual Studio IDE

In case you don not have Visual Studio IDE, Mi.NET provides a simple utility SQLMetal.exe to generate the LINQ Entity class.

By default, the SQLMetal file is located at

drive:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\vn.nn\bin.

Follow the steps below to generate LINQ entity class-

  1. Start – > Run
  2. Write cmd and click on “OK” button.
  3. Go to the location drive:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\vn.nn\bin
  4. Type

sqlmetal /server:<SERVER NAME> /database:<DATABASE NAME> /namespace:<NAMESPASE> /code:<GENERATED CODE LOCATION> / language:csharp


sqlmetal /server:myserver /database:northwind /namespace:nwind /code:nwind.cs /language:csharp

SQLMetal to generate LINQ entity class
SQLMetal to generate LINQ entity class

Start using LINQ:

Suppose we have a simple database containing three tables with Structure/ Relations as follows-

Relational Database Diagram For Sample Database
Relational Database Diagram For Sample Database
  • Generate the LINQ Entity class for the above database (Use step 4.0 to generate entity class)
  • Add the newly created entity class to your project. For a better architecture LINQ Entity class should be placed into separate class library.
  • Create instance of the LINQ Entity class. There are various overloads of LINQ entity class.

1.0 How to select a record?
As explained earlier that in order to access database first of all we need to create instance of entity class. Below is the lin of code which creates the instance of the entity class,

DataClasses1DataContext objEntityClass= new DataClasses1DataContext();

1.1 How to select all Columns and all the records?



1.2 How to use where clause?


Same LINQ Sql may be written with the help of Lambda Expression as well in only one line of code

Employee employee = _dataContext.Employees.Single(emp => emp.FirstName == “First Name”);

1.3 How to select particular columns only?


1.4 Display EmpId, FirstName, Designation and Department of the employee.

If we want to select the above record without using LINQ then we will have to Join Employee table with Department and Designation tables and the Sql will look like


With the help of LINQ we can obtain the same result very easily


1.5 How to use alias for any column name?


1.6 How to bind LINQ data with GridView?


1.7 How to use Joins?


2.0 How to Update a Record?


3.0 How to Delete a Record?


4.0 How to use Transactions with LINQ?


5.0 How to Iterate / Loop through the records?


6.0 How to execute or use Stored Procedures?

6.1 Generate Entity Class for Stored Procedures

In order to use Stored Procedures using LINQ you need to create entity classes for the stored procedures in the same way created the entity class for the tables.

Follow the steps below to create LINQ Entity class for Stored Procedures

  • Start – > Run
  • Write cmd and click on “OK” button.
  • Go to the location drive:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\vn.nn\bin
  • Type


sqlmetal /server:<SERVER NAME> /database:<DATABASE NAME> /sprocs /namespace:<NAMESPASE> /code:<GENERATED CODE LOCATION> / language:csharp


1.       If you have created Database Diagram then above command will fail to generate the entity class for the Stored Procedures. You need to create a new table into your database with the name dtproperties. This table will contain following columns

2.       Above class will contain system stored procedures also. So far it was not possible avoid including system Stored Procedures. May be into recent releases of SQLMetal.exe we may get this flexibility.

3.       Using /sprocs will generate the complete entity class which will include Stored Procedures as well as database tables.


6.2 Execute Stored Procedures

Now your newly created entity class will contain a method with the name same as the stored procedure name. You simply need to call the method


In Progres…….

(Complete article would be available within couple of days. Sorry for Inconvenience ……….