The Ideal Coders

In my professional experience as a Coder (or Software Developer) and a Product Engineering person I’ve meet two kinds of Coders:

1. Who “Starts Without thinking” 😕

These are people who have the least interest in understanding the #client‘s #business for which the #software is being made. They feel it’s just writing the code.

So, straight away they get into writing the code. Some common characteristics of such #developers are:

  • Get stuck soon or write a code that does not solve the purpose. 
  • Write lot’s of code without much thought about how it’s going to be maintained in future. 
  • Sitting on their desks for a longer duration, mostly tensed and into anxiety.

2. Who “Think & Plan Before Starting” (Rare and Preferred) 😃

They try to understand the #business#requirements first and then map it with the #code to be written (or the existing code). 

Some characteristics of such developers are:

  • They write relatively fewer lines of code to achieve the result with minimum bugs. 
  • They write clean code which is easy to maintain.
  • Come on time and go on time (sometimes a little early too) and work in a relaxing manner.

So, if you’re a coder: Where do you see yourself 1 or 2?

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